Draft and Experiment – Adwords New Feature

Today we just noticed a new feature on top of the Google AdWords dashboard – Draft.  ( see below)


Initially I noticed these few points about this.

  1. This is not available for all the AdWords account. I checked with other accounts and it was not available.
  2. It will only visible if we open any campaign and not on “all campaign”
  3. It’s easy to understand and set the experiment.
  4. We can set up an experiment in adgroup, ads, and keywords level. There may be more and  I still need to experiment with this feature.
  5. You can save all experiments as a draft and you can apply them later.
  6. So, you can run multiple experiments at the same time for a campaign
  7. Navigation is easy to find all the draft and running experiments.
  8. The interesting thing I found is that it creates a completely different campaign where you can manage it like the current campaign.
  9. And unlike the old Campaign experiment, It doesn’t change the status icon. Instead, it shows a new text – Experiment running View.
  10. Check the below images to understand it better.
Campaign with new experiment running

Campaign with new experiment running    

adwords-draft view
adwords-draft view
adwords experiment view
adwords experiment view


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